Faith Development
Ministry Within Our Doors

Faith Development Ministries are ministries that serve those within the doors of St. James. Focusing on spiritual growth and relationship building, these ministries provide education, small group fellowship and learning, and congregational care. Please contact the church office to get connected with the leaders of any of the Faith Expressions Ministries to get involved or find out more about the ministry.
Vacation Bible School:
Week-long themed ministry each summer for youth in pre-K to 6th grade.
Sunday Morning Adult Forums:
Theme and series-based short term classes on a variety of topics related to Bible study, church history, theology, and faith and life, taught by a variety of adult leaders.
Zoom Bible Study:
Weekly series-based study meets Thursdays at 11:15am and 7:15pm.
Small Groups
Women’s Bible study meets Monday at 2:30 pm.
Sifters (Sisters in Faith Together):
Women’s Bible study meets Wednesdays at 10am.
Lydia Circle:
Women’s Bible study meets second Tuesday of the month at 9:30am.
Tabitha Circle:
Women’s quilting group meets Thursdays at 10:30 am.
Dorcas Circle:
Women’s knitting/crocheting group meets Thursdays at 12:30 pm.
Congregational Care
Deacons Ministry:
Trained leaders visit home-bound and ill faith partners, provide emotional and relational support to their assigned “flock” members, and bring Communion to those unable to attend worship in person.
Hospitality Hostess:
Organize, set up, and clean up special events like weddings and funerals.
Online Prayer Ministry:
Pray for others from an emailed prayer request list.
Weekly Zoom Prayer Gathering:
Join Pastor Bob to share your prayer requests and listen to the prayer requests of others before praying together.