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Faith Expressions

Faith Expressions Ministries are ministries that focus on expressing our faith to God, primarily in worship.  Faith Expressions Ministries are committed to providing rich music, lifting voices in praise and thanksgiving, worshiping God through Word and Sacrament, and guiding our congregation in becoming faithful stewards of God’s good gifts.  Please contact the church office to get connected with the leaders of any of the Faith Expressions Ministries to get involved or find out more about the ministry.

Blue Surface

Assisting Minister:

Compose prayers and assist the pastor with portions of the worship service.


Light and extinguish candles during worship.  For youth 8 years and older.


Welcome faith partners and guests to worship, engage visitors, and answer questions.


Special Music, Carillons Handbell Choir

Lay Reader:


Read scriptures related to the theme for the day.

Carry the cross to the altar during the procession and retrieve it during the recession.

Communion Assistant:

Distribute Holy Communion to the congregation with the pastor.


Unlock doors, distribute bulletins, collect attendance sheets, and guide the congregation during communion.

Prayer Minister:

Altar Guild:

Pray with and for worshipers during communion.

Prepare the altar for communion and remove the elements after worship.

Visual/Sound Setup

Prepare equipment and change batteries in microphones.

Visual Screen Operator

Operate the slideshow program during worship.

Sound Booth Operator:

Manage the soundboard during worship.

Pew Attendant

Restock note cards and offering envelopes, sharpen pencils, and clean up pews.

Sunday Morning Coffee Host

Clean up after coffee hour.

Visual Worship and Aesthetics:

Decorate the sanctuary and other church spaces.

Digital Worship:

Run our livestream equipment and switch through different camera angles while mixing the livestream audio. (Requires training, but is fun!)


St James Lutheran Church,  2500 Shasta View Dr. Redding, CA 96002
Tel: (530) 221-6474

Church Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 9:00am - 2:00pm

©2025 by St James Lutheran Church, Redding, CA

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