Looking ahead to our 75th anniversary, I find joy in the phrase that the Apostle Paul uses in his first letter to the Corinthians: "I have passed on that which I have received" (11:23). We have chosen the theme of Becoming Heirs for our celebration. Those of us who are currently faith partners at St James were not the ones who started this church nor built its ministry over the past 75 years. Instead, it was passed on as an inheritance from our predecessors.
Similarly, we see that we have the opportunity to give St James to future generations. As we look at our church's past 75 years, it is an exciting time to be involved in God's ministries here. We have new families visiting every week, our micro shelter community will receive its first residents later this year, and we are formally partnering with a sister church in El Salvador to better understand God's mission throughout the world.
It is also a wonderful time during this 75th anniversary celebration to secure our current ministries and to open up to the vision God has for our community, offering a rich legacy to those who come after us. Won't you join in the activties of our 75th anniversary and celebrate in community the work of God in our midst?
Sandra Hamilton Slane,
Council President
There are numerous ways for you to join us for this celebration:
Attend an Event
May 16-18: Consider serving in the following ways:
Thursday, 5/16: ESYAC Homework Club Visit & Dinner, 3-5pm. Low-income children and youth at ESYAC look forward to welcoming you for an afternoon of learning and fellowship. Volunteers will chat with students, partner with regular tutors on homework help, and give the group a chance to practice their hospitality skills. ESYAC would also like our team to provide a meal for the attendees. If you’d like to prepare this meal and serve it in addition to being a guest, please sign up in both columns.
Friday, 5/17: The Vistas Luau Dinner, 5-8pm. Senior residents at The Vistas Assisted Living and Memory Care Center will be wrapping up a week of Hawaiian-themed activities with a luau dinner and party. St James volunteers will sit and eat with the residents, chatting and enjoying each other’s company. Volunteers can help residents move from place to place and serve food to friends they make. Residents will be eager to share their desire to see more worship opportunities for their community.
Saturday, 5/18: Goodwater Crossing Clean-Up, 8am - noon. Come early or later, depending on your schedule, aiming to give 3 hours work. Doughnuts and coffee available first come, first served! Volunteers need to bring a water bottle, personal protective equipment: work gloves, sturdy shoes (no sandals or open toe shoes), and long pants. Jobs include fencing a dog run, weed and hedge trimming, pruning and weeding, and general outdoor cleanup.
May 19: 9am Pentecost Sunday worship service
May 19: 4pm Homecoming Reunion worship service of music and testimonies. We invite anyone who has previously attended to join us for this joyful celebration. This event will be available by livestream for those unable to attend in person.
May 19: 5:30 pm Dinner. Please RSVP by calling the church office so we can plan for your joining us. A freewill donation will be taken to offset the cost at the dinner.
Send us your stories, photos, and video testimonials to tell us how St James has impacted your journey of Christian faith. Send these to 75th@stjamesca.org (By sharing them with us, you are giving us permission to use them in this celebration event).
Financial Support
In an effort to underwrite some of our ministry activities for the next 75 years, we will unveil St James Next, a strategic giving campaign with many facets. Stay in touch to learn more about how you can give to this initiative.
Connect with us, wherever you are
We recognize that some of our faith partners are no longer in the Redding area and we would love for you to remain involved with us through our weekly newsletter, on Facebook, and YouTube. Participate in worship services, stay updated on the progress of our giving campaign, and let us know the ways God continues to bless you and your community.